Client mantra
Luppi wall lights are born from a gesture, a slight movement, a simple fold of a surface.
La colección de apliques Luppi nace a partir de un gesto, de un ligero movimiento, de un sencillo pliegue de una superficie.
Luppi 壁灯诞生于一个手势、一个轻微的动作、一个简单的表面折叠。

Versatile lighting
They are perfect for the bedroom on the sides of the bed headboard and for passageways.
Versatile lighting
They are perfect for the bedroom on the sides of the bed headboard and for passageways.
Energy-efficient light bulb
Luppi is manufactured in a folded steel sheet lacquered in three finishes, sand, white and a two-tone black/yellow and its light source is a GX53 LED bulb.
Iluminación de bajo consumo
Luppi se fabrica en una plancha de acero doblado lacado en tres acabados, arena, blanco y un bitono negro/amarillo y tiene como fuente lumínica una bombilla LED GX53.